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on hiatus?

11 Aug

i’m gonna take a break from the internet world, well, most probably from social networking sites such as facebook and twitter due to some circumstances.

i’ve no idea who’s reading this but yeah, i’ll be back when i’m back. spread the word!

and thank you for all those birthday wishes! you guys really made my day =)


(/edited) i guess any updates from me it’s gonna be from this blog. so stay tune.

ho chi minh city – dalat – nha trang – hoian – hue – hanoi.

6 Aug

18 days in vietnam.

go figure.

of course i’m only attracted to people i can’t have.

6 Aug

believe me as i believe in you.

6 Aug

mocca on repeat.

perfect saturday.

the smell of book’s pages…

6 Aug

make my heart melt.

know what you want.

6 Aug

i could have what i wanted.

and that i deserved to truly want what i could get.

summer in caloundra.

6 Aug

“ahhh, summer, what power you have to make us suffer and like it.”

let’s pretend.

6 Aug

love you to the moon and back.

6 Aug

like how my heart jumps over the moon.

jump jump.

romeo, take me.

5 Aug

yours sincerely, juliet.